Sunday, April 7, 2013

Creamy Fruit Slices!

Happy Sunday night, everyone!

It's been a busy one for me.  A good friend of mine put on a vocal recital and I've been traipsing around the city for most of the day.  Only got home a bit ago - what a long day!

I had put tarts into my mini bulb warmers on my way out and I returned to a house that smelled so yummy!!!

I split one fluted tart between my two mini-warmers and it was enough to fill the entire downstairs with the scent!  And it has been going strong for several hours - at least half a day (some of which I wasn't home for).

I love this fragrance!  It is definitely one of my favorites in my first Tiffany Candles order.  I know some people's reviews state that it has a candied fruit smell and although I get where that's coming from I don't get much of that.  I get this creamy scent layered with a bunch of different citrus fruits.  It smells like dessert!  I love it. 

Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend.  Now it's back to the grind.  Until later, Ciao!


  1. Nice choice!! Love the plug-in warmer!

    1. Thanks. It is from Scentsy. All my light bulb warmers are from them (well, at least the night-light ones are). I love their performance and need more, lol. :)
